Page 13 - Goal of Life
P. 13

GOAL OF LIFE\u000Atrace out the root of the problem, we must look back to the point from which our existence started. The existence of soul can be traced out as far back as to the time of creation when the soul existed in its naked form as a separate entity - subtle and pure. From this primary state of existence in most subtle form, we marched on to grosser and grosser forms of existence - forming coverings around the soul due to increasing tendencies of baser consciousness and also contributed by Manas (Psyche), Chit (Consciousness), Buddhi (Intellect) and Ahankar (Ego). Samskaras (impressions) formed and vice and virtue made their appearances. Feelings of comfort and miseries, joys and sorrows commenced. Our liking of comforts and joys made us think that deliverance from miseries and sorrows is our main goal. Obviously, this is a narrow view of the problem.\u000AThe aims and objects conceived in terms of worldly ends exclusively cannot be the Ultimate Goal and are meaningless. We need to remember that pains and miseries are only the symptoms of the disease which lies elsewhere. Mere deliverance from unending pains and miseries cannot be the real answer, but understanding that bondage is their source - the disease in question - is relevant for the solution; it is Godly and spiritual. Freedom from bondage is liberation. As the endless cycle of\u000Arebirths ends only in liberation, pains and miseries\u000A8\u000A

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