Page 19 - Goal of Life
P. 19

GOAL OF LIFE\u000Athe problem is solved. That is more natural, what we are doing is unnatural. That is the reason for the ascendancy of the materialism in its worst manifestation and total pollution of human and spiritual environment in the world today. We have abandoned the Divine inus into the cave of our hearts. We must allow this Divinity in each one of us to express itself by subduing selfishness and ego. This spiritual transcendence will generally make one to be incapable of being selfish and egoistic. This dissolution of the universe of self \u2013 an individual creation \u2013 is essential to return to one\u2019s original state of Godliness. In such a state, one regains the real condition of individual purity of mind and simplicity, calmness and plainness of being. This is the beginning of bringing back world peace. It is this individual transformation that leads to collective world order. There is no other solution. In this Divine saga, each individual has an indispensable and particularized role to play. We, as individual physical entities, are not going to exist for ever. But Divinity will continue for ever in one form or the other. No individual existence is permanent. But permanent existence is always there in all of us. If it expresses fully in all of us, there is only cordiality, harmony, peace, love and compassion. It is only individual ego and existence of \u2018I\u0027 which leads to conflicts and competition. That is also the beginning of Gurudom.\u000A14\u000A

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