Page 28 - Goal of Life
P. 28

ROLE OF ABHYASI\u000A\u201CSow an Act, you reap a Habit;\u000ASow a Habit, you reap a Character; Sow a Character, you reap a Destiny\u201D.\u000ABabuji Maharaj\u000AIn our system of Sri Ram Chandra\u0027s Rajayoga, the aim is God Realisationby attaining a state of similar subtleness to the last humanly possible extent. This new system of yogic sadhana (abhyas) was offered to thehumanity by Lalaji Maharaj and Babuji Maharaj specially with a view to enable large segments of population who are otherwise engaged intheir worldly living and were hithertofore scared away from God - to endeavour and attain the spiritual goal of human life: Oneness with the Master, God or Absolute. In our view, an abhyasi is one who has three principle characteristics: T otal surrender to the Master; Absolute faith in the system of Sri Ram Chandra\u0027s Rajayoga and above all an iron will for abhyas or sadhana or practice to achieve the goal. Though the role of an abhyasi is overtly to strictly carry on the abhyas or practice, in our system Sadhana is not merely formal and mechanical but has a definite object, a purpose and an end. The practices are dynamic and \u2018living\u0027 methods always aiming at constant spiritual progress and development with the\u000A23\u000A 

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