Page 37 - Goal of Life
P. 37

GOAL OF LIFE\u000Athat the goal is something that is accessible to us and that we are moving towards it. This constant goal consciousness will also stabilise us in a state of what is called constant remembrance. This has overriding importance in the abhyas of an abhyasi and his role of sadhana.\u000ANon-attachment\u000AThe cultivation of non-attachment is the only way for self realisation. This is known to all the saints and common men alike. This has been so wildly twisted and greatly distorted since ages that it has come to be meant discarding all worldly ties, getting away from hearth and home and retiring to the forest as a Sanyasi, or recluse so as to practice spiritual pursuits. Scaring away common folk, some peripheral rituals were prescribed to their fate precluding them any access to God, the Absolute. Babuji Maharaj in His Raja Yoga philosophy emphasises that though non-attachment is essential and is a first thing to be developed by an abhyasi, the Grihastha life is the best training ground for the practice of spirituality. Saint Kabir has aptly remarked: \u201CGod remains twenty paces off from a Brahmachari and thirty paces from a Sanyasi; whereas he resides within a Grihastha who entertains Him in his heart\u201D. Renunciation or non- attachment is no doubt an essential stage in\u000A32\u000A

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