Page 48 - Goal of Life
P. 48

ROLE OF ABHYASI\u000Asurrender ourselves with love and devotion. The reason why prayer should be offered with a heart full of love and devotion is that one should create within oneself a state of vacuity so that the flow of Divine Grace is diverted towards him. A man has Bipolar existence. While our root lies nearest to the Base, Ultimate, Bhuma or God - which is spiritual, we have the worldly existence at the other end. It is an extension from the Base. This connection between these two has been mostly obliterated and blocked by grossness and complexities. It is only through Prayer - as a part of our meditational practices - we will be able to seek Divine Master\u0027s support to clear the path to our Base and restore our linkage through His Grace. Then only our understanding that \u201CMan is made in the image of God\u201D will attain Divine fruition. If somehow, the individual mind gets moulded towards the Cosmic mind, it begins to appear in its true colours. The individual mind is a part and similar to the Godly mind - the Kshobha, which set into motion the forces of Nature to bring into existence the creation. If somehow we turn its downward trend towards the base, it will become quite calm and peaceful. It is only the help of the Dynamic Personality - the Special Personality - that can turn it towards the Base. The aim of our prayer is to seek His intervention - in the form of Master\u0027s support. When man creates in himself a strong craving for the\u000A43\u000A

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