Page 76 - Goal of Life
P. 76

personalities alike. The environment before the creation, there was neither heat nor cold, neither day nor night, neither light nor dark. It was what it was. The closest thing that we may conceive is what lies between those two sets of contradictions - at the end of the one and before the advent of the other. In fact, it could be the meeting point of these two. Motion (activity) and heat - through inter action and counter action - impacted on the subtlest particles leading to the formation of the universe of animate and inanimate things. These things get, therefore, influenced by the heat produced by external causes including the sun. Now, the time when the external heat begins to subside, yielding place for the cooler effect to settle in, or the meeting point between these two is known as \u201CSandhi Gathi\u201D and this is known to be best time for the practice of Puja. This is the time of the advent of that which is opposed to heat and it can be that alone which existed prior to the generation of heat at the time of creation and which is in close conformity with Nature. In other words, this is the image or reflection of the Ultimate state we have to finally arrive at. Thus, the environment, space or external atmospheric conditions or point we start from is verily that which corresponds closely with the Destination. Besides, performing of meditation before sunrise is stressed upon for the reason that the external and other\u000A71\u000A

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