Page 8 - Goal of Life
P. 8

GOAL OF LIFE\u000Agroup of Asuras is not the answer. Individual transformation is the only solution. As a matter of fact, world peace can never be possible unless we take into account the inner state of individual mind. World peace is directly related to individual peace, for which the individual mind is to be brought up to the required level. If the individual mind is brought to a state of rest and peace, everything in the world will, then, appear to him in the same colour. It is, therefore, essential to find out means for developing within every individual a state of peace, contentment and moderation. That is the only way for bringing peace into the world. The development of peace of mind within individual self is the first and the most important step now to restore balance in the world. But that being exclusively the scope of spirituality, one must necessarily resort to spiritual means for the purpose. Indeed, the problem of the Universe is the problem of the individual. Those who speak of Sarva Mukti (simultaneous Universal emancipation) hardly try to achieve their own liberation for it is verily the Truth that the individual emancipation is the first step towards Universal harmony and peace.\u000AGreat men are not accidentally born. They are born when world waits for them in eager expectation. Such is the phenomenon of Nature. At the time when spirituality was tottering helplessly\u000Aand the solid materialism had usurped the position\u000A3\u000A

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