Page 84 - Goal of Life
P. 84

Him. While giving sitting, if we think that Master is seated in our hearts, the other person gets full benefit of whatever the trainer does. Then only, we can develop \u2018Sri Ram Chandra Consciousness\u0027 and benefit from the Divine Incarnate and the system of Sri Ram Chandra\u0027s Raja Yoga.\u000AThe Ideal of purity held by the Hindus in particular is indeed very high. Over the Ages, due to grossness and complexities compounded by selfish interests, egoism, jealousy and rivalry, this ideal has not only degenerated completely but assumed its grossest state of Maya - finding acceptance amongst gullible masses. Pseudo Gurus and hypocritical spiritual personalities specially those with baser \u2018Siddhis\u0027 to influence the people are \u2018galore\u0027 who further manipulated the desires and even the \u2018will\u0027 of the common men towards God and distorted the entire spectrum of spiritual practices with rabidness and turpitude. God is simple, plain, pure and pristine, completely free and devoid of everything not to speak of any solidity or grossness whatsoever. This very simplicity and purity itself has become a veil to It and clouded our vision specially under the influence of pseudo-spiritual persons. Thus the ideal purity exists now only in our imagination. All the principles of purity have been completely forgotten and only external factors like\u000Abathing, washing, wearing of religious emblems and\u000A79\u000A

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