P. 45

There may however be elevated souls present in the world today, who may be able to give you a glimpse of it, or to create instantly the same state in you by the application of their own inner powers. My own approach is to think that it refers to Him, and to certain other members of his clan. That conditions that are infused by the trainers on to abhyasi is something that I have experienced, with my own revered father, and with certain others also. They used to put us into certain conditions and say do you feel this now. I have been pleading with all my colleagues in this aspect. Please own up the conditions so that you can foment others. That will give them the awareness of the various conditions and will motivate them better. It is not that it is not being done because there is another prefix here earlier which went namely the sadhana. He says which can be attained through proper sadhana. You must have proper orientation. You cannot have reservations. And there are a few people who have expressed such awareness, when conditions were infused into them. They expressed their awareness. Here even amongst us here. But I would like that number to swell and you should have the whole community of people who believe in Sri Ramchandraji to say yes this is what it is. I only pray that, this prayer of ours is granted. I proceed further.
Let us here consider how much time Lord Krishna could have possibly required for speaking out the total text of the Gita as we find it today. The armies were standing face to face on the battlefield, and the war trumpets were sounding loud, announcing the Zero hour for action. How much time was there at the disposal of Lord Krishna to bring Arjuna round to the proper course of preaching a sermon to him? The recitation requires at least a few hours. Here I can say people who have been

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