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We must try to understand whether his association is causing the same effect upon our heart as it finally must. In the present age of degradation such guides or masters may be rare no doubt, and those having a command over it still rarer. Now majority of the people who are following the system who are the disciples of Ramchandraji, are spreading His message are surely masters who have the condition but do not have the command. That is a relative possession of the command. Some people have it more. Some people have it less. My appeal to all abhyasis here because you are also following the same thing because you are Masters in your own way, you are definitely trying to be masters of your own self and there is nothing wrong about it is. Don't be slaves. Aspire to be masters. Live as Masters. Pass on this message to others. Say that yes this is what I know, when somebody gives you a degree in a university, says that you are an M.Sc or a Ph.D, you think you are a master of the subject. Here you have been accepted by somebody as a fit person for spiritual progress and that is your master's role. Already that much of wisdom has come to you. It is not without wisdom you have come. Why do you want to say that you don't have wisdom? Express it in your own way. Foment it to the capacity that you have got. Try to improve your capacity. Try to have your command over the subject more and more. The very presence of you should inspire others, as Babuji puts it in another occasion, namely be infectious. Your spirituality should be infectious. The other people should not be capable of saying no. We should be infectious.
Unrest and disturbance is the predominant feature of time. For this the modern civilisation too is responsible to a great extent and we have had an occasion to talk about it

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