Page 227 - Hinduism
P. 227

• The Buddha meditated for six years, Bodhidharma for nine. The practice of meditation is not a method for attainment of realization—it is enlightenment itself.
-Dogen, "The Practice of Meditation"
• Learning is like a design in water, contemplation is like a design on the side of a wall, meditation is like a design in stone.
-Adept Godrakpa, "Hermit of Go Cliffs"
When I say silence I do not mean the inflicted silence of an angry lover, nor is it the silence of a punitive parent. Many people fear silence because to them it seems nothing more than a mind full of angst or painful boredom. When I say silence I mean the peace that is unaffected; birthplace of creativity; freedom in the midst of all changing events; the all inclusive and abiding nature that remains constant and is revealed in one moment of no thought when all that you "think" has dissolved including who you "think" you are.
• How to cope with wavering thoughts? Versatile are flying clouds, Yet from the sky they are not apart. Mighty are the ocean’s waves, Yet they are not separate from the sea. Heavy and thick are banks of fog, Yet from the air they are not apart. Frantic runs the mind in voidness, Yet from the Void it never separates.
-Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa
• "The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said."

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