Page 309 - Hinduism
P. 309

He shines.
But for the fool
There is no peace.
His thoughts are full of desire.
-Ashtavakra Gita 18:52 28.The master goes about his business
With perfect equanimity.
He is happy when he sits,
Happy when he talks and eats,
Happy asleep,
Happy coming and going.
Because he knows his own nature,
He does what he has to without feeling ruffled Like ordinary people.
Smooth and shining
Like the surface of a vast lake.
His sorrows are at an end.
-Ashtavakra Gita 18:59-60
29.The body trembles,
The tongue falters,
The mind is weary. Forsaking them all,
I pursue my purpose happily. Knowing I do nothing,
I do whatever comes my way, And I am happy.
-Ashtavakra Gita 13:2-3
30.Even when he is still,
The selfish man is busy. Even when he is busy, The selfless man is still.
-Ashtavakra Gita 18:29 309

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