Page 312 - Hinduism
P. 312

39.The moment a fool gives up concentration
And his other spiritual practices,
He falls prey to fancies and desires.
Even after hearing the truth,
The fool clings to his folly.
He tries hard to look calm and composed, But inside he is full of cravings.
-Ashtavakra Gita 18:75-76
40.I am always
Without I.
So where is the one
Who acts or enjoys?
And what is the rising
Or the vanishing of thought? What is the invisible world, Or the visible?
In my heart I am one.
What is this world?
Who seeks freedom,
Or wisdom or oneness? Who bound or free?
-Ashtavakra Gita 20:5-6
41.Blame does not disturb him,
Nor does praise delight him. He neither rejoices in life, Nor fears death.
His mind is calm.
Never seeking the solitude of the forest, Nor running from the crowd.
Always and everywhere,
He is one and the same.
-Ashtavakra Gita 18:99-100 312

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