Page 324 - Hinduism
P. 324

Marrow, and skeleton; and
Vital forces constitute
The sage, contemplating these sets of five, Discovered that everything is holy. Man can complete the inner with the outer.
-Taittiriya Upanishad
• Those who act without thought of personal Profit and lead a well-disciplined life Discover in course of time the divine principle That all forms of life are one. Those who work in the service of the Lord Are freed from the law of karma.
-Shvetashvatara Upanishad
• Conscious spirit and unconscious matter Both have existed since the dawn of time, With maya [illusion] appearing to connect them, Misrepresenting joy as outside us. When all these three are seen as one, the Self Reveals his universal form and serves As an instrument of the divine will.
-Shvetashvatara Upanishad
• When the mind is detached from the senses One reaches the summit of consciousness. Mastery of the mind leads to wisdom. Practice meditation. Stop all vain talk. The highest state is beyond reach of thought,
For it lies beyond all duality. Keep repeating the ancient mantram OM Until it reverberates in your heart.
-Amritabindu Upanishad
• As a man in the arms of his beloved is not aware of what is without and what is within, so a person
the five body.

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