Page 41 - Imperience Beckons
P. 41

Thus we find his message is equally applicable to all the three types of seekers and every one is called upon to share the same.
His Commentary on Ten Commandments, he claimed has descended to him in his superfine state of super consciousness. Imperience as contrasted to experience grants us knowledge that is authentic and unmediated. The knowledge gained carries with it a certain amount of certainty to the individual having the experience. All knowledge gained from meditational experiences is in a sense imperience. He expressly stated that the Commandments are for a spiritual way of living that can be adopted by all. Dr.K.C.Varadachari in whose Order, the ISRC trainers are working has given his talks on the same subject from a different angle. The explanation that is presented here is based on the authors' experiences with these Commandments and the way in which it was followed with an ardent desire to share the same. The awareness of the Commandments in the core of being of the sadhaka is a guiding factor in sadhana.
To talk or write about ethical standards to be followed in our way of living or the right way of living is nothing new. Almost all religions have emphasised on certain dos and don'ts. If we look at it from an economic angle it makes sense, when we look at the sociological angle it makes sense - that we should live and let live. All the ethics that have been so far taught to us have been understood from the angle of live and let live. The great German Philosopher Immanuel Kant has said that it is Practical Reason while ruling out Divine Origin for Ethics. "Do unto others what you would like to be done by". This is the principle governing all our ethics. For that absolutely there is no need for God, and that is what the communists, socialists, atheists were always stating. "We can always live together, we can understand easily one another, we cannot be going on killing one another, so where is the question of God and where is the question of sin". It is the sense to live well that makes us think well about others. Because many people think that in order to be moral we require a God, rationalists have always opposed it. There is no need for God in order to be moral or perhaps rationality itself is enough ground to be moral - a stand great thinkers like Sigmund Freud advocated.
As against this back drop, if we take the case of Revered Babuji, this is the first instant that the ethics that he gives or the Ten commandments that he has given, is not based on any social contract, is not based on "live and let live" principle, he doesn't go into the merits or demerits of such sociological discussion at all.

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