Page 65 - Imperience Beckons
P. 65

with the knowledge of the Lord, the question of gift does not arise.
If the relationship of dependency is ensured all other virtues develop easily. We can be truthful, that is we can be speaking truth-'satyam' not the truthfulness we talked about, but can we practice 'Satya' and then take miseries as Divine blessings. Maybe, that also we will accept. But we will not take it as something good for us and be thankful. To be thankful here is really difficult. The difficulty starts when miseries come to us. How will we thank Him for that? We will thank Him only when we are dependent upon Him. When the consciousness that Divinity knows what is best for us percolates through every pore of our being, we can accept every misery as something of a Divine gift and we will also be thankful because God is making us remember Him more and more. As in the case of 'Kunti' (mother of the Pandavas of the Great Epic Maha Bharat), this is what she has asked. She said I am not interested in anything else. Please give me miseries. It has been interpreted in so many ways, saying that she wanted to complete her karma and get back to Him. That need not concern us here.
The lessons in life are taught by the Lord very systematically. As my trainer and father put it "He loves us so much that every opportunity is provided for us to grow. When we ask for strength, He provides us difficulties to make us strong; when we ask for prosperity, He gives us the brain and brawn to work; when we ask for courage, He causes danger to overcome; when we ask for love, He sends us troubled people to help; when we ask for wisdom, He gives problems to solve. The way of instruction of the Lord is difficult to understand but when we understand the joy of awareness of His love has no bounds. The lesson of truth that we learn is very great and what a loving teacher we have!
Truthfulness to others means that we affirm our oneness of all and create a bond of mutual trust in the Unity that exists. We can never speak the truth unless we trust the other person and that is possible only when we know our oneness with the person to whom we are speaking. Every child is capable of speaking truth to the mother, as there is a natural oneness it experiences with the mother. As it develops its individuality it learns to distance itself from the mother and also hide facts and even resort to telling lies. Truthfulness is capable of expanding our consciousness, which enables us to break the barriers of the body limitation and we start experiencing our true Self.
Through truthfulness we develop a positive image of ourselves that is essential for any healthy mind. It is true that certain times truth speaking leads us to a

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