Page 82 - Imperience Beckons
P. 82

Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur, U.P. India has presented his system of Rajayoga in more than one manner. In his first book 'Commentary on Ten Commandments of Sahaj Marg' he explained the system from the point of practical methods to be adopted to achieve the desired goal viz. Moderation in daily life. This is broadly the ethics of the system. In his book 'Efficacy of RajaYoga in the light of Sahaj Marg' he has presented the possibilities of human consciousness for development from the absolutely self-centered one to Divine oriented through various levels called by him as heart region, mind region and central region. In this work he invents two points in the human frame located in the region of chest, 'A' and 'B' and advises meditation on these points for evolution of consciousness. In his book 'Towards Infinity' he has presented the system of various levels of consciousness lying twisted due to the very nature of evolution (involution) itself and identified mainly 13 knots and many more of lesser importance for general assessment of growth of an individual.
Before any person evaluates the worth of the system it is necessary to note what is the goal that the system is offering. The system ofRajayoga presented by Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj has got a definite goal of making the human living happy. Happiness in creation is the aim of the Lord(TC 8) when He manifested Himself as Nature and all creative processes thereafter.
Any system which says that the world is unworthy and is sinful and or qualify it by any such adjectives and exhort individuals to get back to the Lord or His home is asking for something that is different from what God intended. We are all here only to share His glory and be happy. After the span of life expires everyone is entitled to get back to his Home. This can be achieved by following simple ways of living.
This objective of the practice namely achieving happiness is naturally dependent on Peace and Harmony that an individual can achieve. Peace and Harmony invariably involve others in the consideration. Therefore the basic and essential inter relatedness of existence has to be known, realised and then practised. For this the method suggested by the Master is the development of necessary moderation in all spheres of life leading to a balanced way of living.
The system does not propose any austere measures to be practised to curtail

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