Page 85 - Imperience Beckons
P. 85

achieving this level.
6. Commandment 6. To practice this commandment one should know the nature of the self clearly as interdependent with other forms of existence apart from the Divinity itself.
This relates to the condition of knots 2 and 3 and therefore can be easily practised only when one is regular with the meditation on both the 'B' and 'A' points.
7. Commandment 7. To practice this commandment it is necessary that one should know that he is totally dependent on God and mainly his devotee consciousness.
This relates to the condition of knots 2 and 3 and therefore even as in 6th commandment meditation on both the 'A' and 'B' points is necessary. It may be noted that unless one practices meticulously and regularly on these points the stabilisation in 2nd and 3rd knot will not be possible. This alone is the basis on which Devotion in the real sense to the Master develops.
8. Commandment 8. To practice this commandment it is necessary that one realises that there is nothing existent without the Divine and therefore one has to maintain the purity of existence in every sense of the term. Purity demands honesty and piety and to practice them without the awareness of the inherent Divinity everywhere is not possible.
This relates to the knots 3 and 4. Therefore, the meditation on both 'A' and 'B' points alone will make this attainable.
9. Commandment 9. To practice this it is necessary that one fully understands the true nature of his self (as being dependent on God and others) and the need to maintain purity of existence in all respects as Divinity is all-pervasive. This consciousness is the sum total of all the earlier states of consciousness and essentially relates to the knot 5. Meditation on points A and B assiduously and regularly enables one raise to this condition.
10. Commandment 10. To practice this one has to know his humble status before the Divine. Humility is a virtue that develops only when one becomes conscious of the limitations of existence and the infinitesimal proportion of existence over which he deludes himself as having control.

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