Page 23 - Introduction to Prananhuti Aided Meditation
P. 23

4. The Means - Sri Ramchandra's Raja Yoga - Sri Ramchandra Ji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur
There are numerous means and practices prescribed for Realisation, out of which we have to choose that which guarantees speedy success. Now what that may be let each person judge for himself. For a hint I quote below the judicious opinion of Swami Vivekananda on this point. "It is Raja Yoga alone that can successfully lead a man up to the highest level of approach, and none but one having the capacity to apply his own internal powers through Pranahuti is fit for being a guide or master." I may also assure you that Hatha Yoga has no access beyond ajna chakra. Besides, there is another serious defect in it. When we start with the bodily exercises of Hatha Yoga, the Consciousness of our physical efforts with the idea of self in the background also remains all through. Thus the ego instead of reducing goes on increasing thereby. But that is not the case with Raja Yoga where one proceeds with subtlest means for silencing the ever-active tendencies of the mind. Besides, in practicing this one is always away from the idea of the body since he has fixed his attention upon the subtlest.
Grihastha ashrama is not a bar in gaining the Real. I think this is the best ashrama in which higher approach is easily possible. I am a grihastha and my Master was also one. I assure you that a perfect saint may be found in this ashrama alone. We perform our duties and remember Him as the Ultimate Reality. Duty is itself worship if the idea that it is the order of God remains in the mind.
The method of meditation on the heart is to think of the Godly light within it. When you begin meditation in this way please think once only that Godly light within is attracting you. Do not mind if extraneous ideas intrude during meditation. Let them come, but you go on with your own work. Sit in an easy posture for one hour in the morning in quite a natural way. If you require the philosophy of this method I shall reveal it to you after sometime. You should only meditate. You should not struggle with the ideas and thoughts which generally come in during meditation. Concentration is the result of meditation.

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