Page 49 - Introduction to Prananhuti Aided Meditation
P. 49

The upright position of the back bone, neck and head in an erect straight line during meditation has been thought to be most advantageous from very ancient times, because the flow of Divine grace is believed to descend straight upon the aspirant in that posture. In our way of practice, however, this is not insisted upon. The aspirants are advised generally to sit in a natural easy posture. Moreover, even those who assume a tight straight post are found to give way automatically to a suppliant, slightly forward drooping posture, as the state of blissful absorbency sets in. As such, it may be considered to be more natural even for the purpose of an ascent into higher states of consciousness. In fact, a controversy over a point of comparatively lesser significance seems irrelevant.
It is better to sit in the grey of the morning for meditation, or when that is not possible, at any fixed hour convenient to the aspirant. Do not feel disturbed with the outer things but remain engaged with your own work thinking that they are in a way helping you to feel the necessity for greater absorption in your practice.

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