Page 51 - Introduction to Prananhuti Aided Meditation
P. 51

Just before going to bed at night, offer prayer. The proper and the most effective method of prayer is to sit in a supplicant mood and repeat the same mentally twice or thrice. Then begin to meditate over its true sense and try to get lost in it.
When we meditate, the Central Power we have i.e. thought in its pure form remains in force.
We start our practice fixing our mind on one point in order to practise meditation (Dhyana of Rajayoga). The previous steps of Ashtang Yoga are not taken up separately but they automatically come into practice as we proceed on with meditation. Thus much of our time and labour are saved.
The practice followed is meditation on the heart. There is a great philosophy underlying it. We have got within us the same central force (thought), though marred by our wrong doings. We take work from the same force during meditation. This is how we proceed naturally with Nature's force, so to say. When we meditate, the central power we have remains in force. It disperses the overwhelming clouds which are greatly fried up by its force. It cannot be expressed in words, only an aspirant can feel it. This can only be known practically. The mind is disciplined. It is regulated automatically. Senses begin to come under control and you gain mastery over them. To master yourself means to master Nature. When the passage becomes clear you find Nature's work within your bounds and limits; rather you begin to work yourself.
In our system the aspirant is advised to meditate on the heart thinking of the Divine Light there. But he is directed not to view light in any form or shape like that of an electric bulb or a candle, etc. In that case the light appearing therein will not be real, but one projected by his own creative speculation. An aspirant is advised to proceed with a mere supposition of light with the thought of Divinity at the bottom. What happens then is that we meditate upon the subtlest which is to be attained.
The method of meditation on the heart is to think Godly light within it. When you begin meditating in this way please think only that Godly light within is attracting you. Do not mind if extraneous ideas haunt you during meditation. Let

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