Page 10 - Journey to Infinity
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mode of living and general behaviour impressed his neighbours greatly and they loved him dearly and respected greatly. In the beginning, some teachers came to him and were transformed in no time. Finding a great change in themselves, those teachers told some students about the change wrought in their personalities without their own effort and this brought some students to Lalaji, and they also got transformed likewise. Learning of this amazing and novel method other people began to come, but Lalaji did not start mass or, regular satsangh at that time. He used to transmit, cleanse and transform them saying that his work was that of a sweeper or washer man, Who ever came to him would be cleansed through and through. After his manas was cleaned he would get a guide according to his samskaras. His motto was, no undesirable should be initiated but if one had come, he must not go back. He greatly hated to be called a guru. About imparting training, he used to say that he was only a peon to his officer. He had simply to carry out the orders of Divinity without thinking about the success or failure of his efforts.
Sri Lalaji established regular satsangh from the year 1914 and started training his followers. He did not put off his work even during his illness. After his retirement in 1929 he began to give all his time to his noble work. He spent two to three hours every day on dictating books, articles and letters to satsanghis.
He was a great scholar of Urdu, Persian and Arabic, and had a sound knowledge of Hindi and Sanskrit. He had disclosed hitherto unknown secrets of the Vedas, illuminatingly interpreting important richas and bring Reality to light. Controversial phrases and words commonly used in scripture, but generally misunderstood, were explained in such a simple way and in such easily understandable works coined by him that real knowledge became common property.
He taught, “Never offer advice unless invited, otherwise it is likely to yield bad results. If you find any fault with anybody, pray for his freedom from it.” He himself never directly asked anyone to give up any bad habit. All such bad habits and afflictions left that person in no time after he had been with him. Commenting on this method he used to say, “If you sit by a fire, you feel warm; if you sit by ice, you feel cold. Why they will you not get transformed if you sit with a person who is perfect in discipline and etiquette?” He never talked about anyone’s faults. In case it became necessary to discuss such a subject, he went mum.
He always advised reduction of wants. He would say “Do not purchase a new thing if you can manage to carry on with your old belongings.” He was not against earning money by honest means, but insisted on spending it on others. Use of intoxicants, being given to adultery were strictly prohibited by him. He