Page 14 - Journey to Infinity
P. 14
Religion and Enquiry
Generally people know the religion as only a rule of the assemblage of faiths, which has no interference of intellect. This is a serious mistake. We are ready to accept that the limit of man’s trust and faith is not to the extent to believe, what ever is said, without fail. Against that, it is dangerous to believe without thinking and understanding, if a Fatwa is given. According to my understanding, to consider it as a faith is wrong.
Faith is such a condition of belief by heart, when heart understands it as correct in all respects. It is possible that all the aspects have not been examined. But inference and doubt will make it strong to a certain extent. Therefore we call it as a faith, when its foundation is on the strength of discrimination, actions and knowledge, it can throw lesser light on those aspects and pay no consideration, at least, towards the strength of the inference, which is the other form of understanding.
Man’s disposition is different and along with the difference of disposition, will be the stage of development of his intelligence, manners and where in and in whom there is this stage, it will be a pristine oppression and hardness, to force him to accept any special rule. It is possible that with this force and oppression there may be a jerk to the strength and pattern of his intelligence and he may fall from the order of the stage of humanity and step down into the stage of animal. This is never the goal of religion, but the goal is always that the man’s experiences should be related either with the heart or mind and they should become vast day by day. The rules which have been made Rehabber and Rahanuma (guide) of his life, making them progress slowly to the stage of complete authority and Sakshatkar and be convinced of Reality and Truth and his life should become the life of Reality and Truth. Where there is simplicity and innocence and simple disposition of a child, we should not say any thing. There should not be any fault finding and criticism, in the case of children. But every man is not a child and all are not in a condition of complete fruition. A person whose intellect is well developed, should be given a chance to understand Reality by himself and move on pruning and balancing every matter intellectually and getting benefited, so that the he can achieve his goal of life. Any religion which keeps its followers blind and deprives them of the blessings of knowledge and intellect is neither a religion nor there is any hope of getting blessings from it. We are advised to take the work/help at every step, from the intellect and discrimination, in the worldly matters. What ever work we do, we naturally do with the thinking and