Page 146 - Journey to Infinity
P. 146
3. Das dal is blue.
4. Dwadash dal is red.
5. Shodash dal is like smoke.
It does not mean that all these places are coloured differently, rather it means that the appearance of blood at each place, due to the reflection of different Tatvas on the red colour of blood. The colour of the petals is mentioned accordingly. Just as, sandal wood colour appears, due to the reflection of earth Tatv on blood in the four petalled Lotus. By mixing brick red blood and earth, it becomes red.
Pink vermilion colour appears in six petalled Lotus, due to the reflection of water on blood. If blood is mixed with water, it becomes pink.
Blue colour appears in ten petalled Lotus, due to the reflection of fire. If blood is placed over the fire, it becomes blue.
Due to the reflection of air, blood becomes dark red in twelve petalled Lotus. If blood left in the clean air, it appears dark red.
It is smoky in sixteen petalled Lotus due to sky. Blood appears smoky in deep sky, just as the rays of Sun appear smoky during early morning and evening, due to mixing with sky.
There is light in two petalled Lotus. White colour appears due to the reflection of light on blood.
Blood appears like clean gold (crystal like), in thousand petatalled Lotus, due to Shoonya Tatv.
Shape (Jantr)of Lotuses.
Four petalled is four cornered.
Six petalled is like half moon.
Ten petalled is like triangular. Twelve petalled is like six cornered. Sixteen petalled is round.
Two petalled is long.
Thousand petalled is like full moon.