Page 149 - Journey to Infinity
P. 149
There is a fourth type of freeing men, who are called saints, who are found in almost all religions and sects. They are the most sympathetic, most kind, and very good at heart. They become a friend, philosopher and guide and awaken the disciples. They do not adopt the method of threatening, refuting or beating. They reveal the Reality by safe and peaceful means. They strengthen the chain of their Satsang and give the bene¬fit of their Satsang to those who are caught in illusion. Without aversion towards religion or tradition, they explain to the aspirants according to their bent of mind, but give them their own colour and make the aspirants like themselves. These are different kinds of liberators. The patient, however, is certainly fit for some kind of treatment or the other. Now the fact remains that some patients act according to the advice of the doctor and take medicine remaining on strict diet, and they regain health in a short time. Some invite disease due to their ignorance; some do not adhere to diet; some do not care for the doctor’s advice. That is why the remedies of doctors differ. Among patients they are the best who have faith in the doctor; who delight in taking medicine, and who are willing to remain on strict diet. Such patients recover their health easily and in a short time. The second type of patients hear the advice of the doctor but seldom keep up the diet. Their doctor explains to them, coaxes them and gradually brings them to normal health by slow and average treatment. The third type of patients want to get better but are very bad at regimen; they dislike bitter medicine and at times they look upon their doctor with contempt. For them Nature sends a hard-hearted physician, who sits on the chest of the patients and makes them swallow medicine by force. He never listens to the words of his patients and treats them with utmost cruelty, strictness and compul¬sion. He never cares for the sentiments of his patient. The fourth type of physicians are the saints who be-come a friend and sympathiser of their patient, and treat the disease according to convenience. They bring the patients under their control through love, however stubborn they may be, and restore their health. The qualification for treatment is the condition of the patient at each and every stage