Page 155 - Journey to Infinity
P. 155
Our food
Stomach is a palace for food. The power of dhyan will improve, if the food is purchased with legitimate earnings and remembrance of God will be hidden, if it is eaten in a sorrowful state. If the food is purchased with unlawful earnings, dishonesty and crimes will increase. Food is digested in the stomach and then it goes to liver for becoming blood and then it travels through out the body and it assumes the essence of animal. If the food is purchased with hard earned and legitimate earnings, sattvic qualities and devotion to God will improve. If it is eaten in a sorrowful state, the straight path is closed so that discrimination for Sat and Asat and right and wrong is lost and there will be no knowledge of which work is good and which is bad; which has to be done and which is not to be done. By eating the food which is impure and prohibited by the dharma sastras, dishonesty and crimes will increase. It is dishonesty to do anything in spite of knowing that it is prohibited and it should never be done and it is against dharma; but knowingly to do the same thing and doing it repeatedly without any fear and not repenting afterwards and not doing atonement and doing without any fear and lastly thinking it to be correct and showing others, twisting his whiskers, and becoming proud and try to prove that whatever he does is according to dharmashastra, is called increase in crimes.
One day an elderly person was slapped by another person, while going on the road. When the elderly person turned round and looked at that person, he said that the Sufi should know that he slapped him with the order of God. Elderly person said that he knew that it is from God, but God has selected you for this hard hearted and untimely work, therefore He got this work done through you. The person who slapped with the order of God, was also a Sufi and a special devotee and an obedient person, but the work which was entrusted to him was very bad. This special work was entrusted to him because he was a Sufi, but his heart was impure as he had eaten bad and doubtful food; because of that such service was taken by him. Was not Ravan a devotee of Lord Shiva? But his mind was not pure as his food was earned by oppression and he has done what kind of works. This shows that the fire wood, water and utensils also to be purchased from well gotten money and the cook should be a devotee and remembering God and offer the food to Him. The food must be eaten with respect and care. This is the foundation for manners and morals and contamination. Therefore the food prepared by a brahmin only, is considered as proper. If there is any other person available who is really having the qualities of a brahmin, where to get a person who can prepare