Page 64 - Journey to Infinity
P. 64
all these three bodies. The conscious, dream and deep sleep states — all these are found in them.
iv. In men also there are the three bodies — the gross, the subtle and causal. Their nourishment, growth, progress, thought and happiness get strength in connection with these bodies. Some among them have a kind of fourth state which will be discussed at the end of this series. Those in whom this condition is started are also to be counted among men. Otherwise they are as good as animals. They belong to the category of beasts. If you observe the movements and actions of such men you will find that they do all those things that animals do.
Narapashu, Gurupashu, Striyapashu, Vedapashu Samsara Manusha Soyi Janiye jahie Viveka Vichar
“Those who workship or follow man, Guru, woman and the Vedas are all beasts. He alone is man who is capable of thinking and discriminating.”
Those who do not know the status of god and their own status, and worship God, not with their own but with God’s view point, to them Vishnu becomes Rudra and makes them weep. Those who do not know the status of deities and their own status, and worship the deities not with their own but with the view point of deities, them the deities make beasts of burden. Those who do not know the status of Guru and their own status, and worship the Guru not with their own but with Guru’s view point, to them Guru becomes Satan in the form of Kal. Casting off the form of a Dayalu, (kind person) he swallows whatever earning the worshipper has, making him a beast. Such men have no salvation. They always remain beasts among, the beasts until they experience suffering, and calm their rights of humanity by means of heartfelt senti¬ment. They attain this condition after a very long time. The Sage Yajnavalkya, in the Brahadarnyaka Upanishad, explains to his wife Maitreyi thus:
“Oh ! Maitreyi, those who know Brahman, Ishvara, Veda, sons and the Atman
not with their own viewpoint but with the viewpoint of Brahman, Ishvara etc.,
are destroyed by them.”
The aim of Yoga is concentration of mind and changing its states from point to point. One would gain experience automatically and know the truth by making the mind stay on spiritual centres in the brain. As these Jivas are bound by action or Karma, and religious and ethical codes, their approach is limited upto this only.