Page 76 - Journey to Infinity
P. 76
Not knowing a thing is ignorance. Knowing is the function of the mind, which is in the middle, and is a combined state. Where there is mixture and combination there arise differential categories. How can there be any necessity and possibility of contemplation and thinking where there is only one thing? Spirit and matter - both are devoid of the attribute of knowing. Or even if there is this attribute it is in the seed form. The mind above can pierce through it and is capable of knowing them. There is oneness and steadiness in spirit, which is called Causal Body here. When the mind leans towards it, it absorbs its impressions and becomes like it.
You go into the state of deep sleep every day. What do you know there? Nothing! This is the daily experience, but on waking up from deep sleep the mind is reminded of its existence. The reason is that the mind takes with it the particular mixed influences in the form of impressions. There is no doubt that it merges in the soul, but it conveys its impression on its return. And what is that impression? Awareness of unconsciousness, a sense of senselessness, and knowledge of ignorance! What does it say excepting this? Ask and it would explain to you of its own accord. One’s own personal experience, though it is empty knowledge, is a thousand times better than book knowledge or hearsay knowledge.
When two things combine a third condition is produced, and that thing gets its work done through both with the help of discrimination. These three things are clearly found in the mind in working condition. But all these three things lie suppressed in the soul in the state of ignorance in seed form. All these things appear like one only. Mix the dung of a buffalo and the urine of an Ass and keep it in the sun; Scorpions are born and they will begin to eat the dung and drink the urine. The mind too does the same thing. The peculiarity of being Jeeva is, in reality, related to the mind only. If there is no mind how can it be a Jeeva? This mind is the mixed condition of three kinds of bodies. As long as this mind exists Jeeva also exists. But the mind is not called Jeeva. The combination of the Soul, mind and body is called Jeeva. If there were no soul and body there would not have been the mind at all. It has no independent existence. Its existence comes into manifestation only on their combination.