Page 124 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 124

something which is likely to befall. A man is devoted to his wife, the woman is devoted to the husband, you use the word devote, love, similar relationship with God is what we want. There is no sense of expectancy between the husband and wife everyday to love each other. There is no sense of expectancy between the head of the family and the family each day. ‘This is what he is supposed to do, this fellow is likely to be useful to me at my last stage’ – no, I don’t think any parent thinks in those lines but he loves because it is natural for him to do. That type of feeling will come when you know that we are all interdependent. Interdependency leads you to the feeling of devotion and love and we are supposed to move on to that plane. Whenever these things do not happen we have got to go through the help of Pranahuti.
Now, coming to the other aspect, by the time the first knot is crossed, you have already got a discipline, you tend to follow certain routines of sadhana. What could be just compliance to the letter of the book, whatever book it is that we have got, in the beginning becomes natural tendency for you to follow. Yama, Niyama these two things are a must. You must know, in order to achieve certain things, you have got to do things which are conducive for your progress, avoid things which are not conducive for your progress. This is what is meant by the dual term yama and niyama. It will be taking too much of time to talk about what are the yamas and what are the niyamas that have been prescribed but then you know that there are certain do’s and certain don’ts. In our system we ask you to follow the 10 commandments knowing full well you must be knowing that these are all connected with several stages and you cannot follow all. Know one thing, the interdependency of nature compels you to pray at the morning. You would like to be in tune with the nature, you would not like to be variant from it.
When the problem of life takes a turn and we understand that there is some discipline that is required and then we follow that we also see that there are enough things that we have to put up with and the grihasta ashrama is the best training ground for spirituality. In a grihasta life, we have to develop a fortitude, we have to develop a patience whether you like it or not because we are living together. We have to put up with things, we have to compromise, we understand the interdependency, we also understand love, but we also understand one more thing called Uparati - A vedantic but still meaningful word, which means that I take things

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