Page 61 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
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is going, think that you are getting rid of it, he will say that and he will also will that particular defect is rectified and it works without words, he does not talk, you do not talk, we discussed earlier but then this particular thought works. It works because it has got a Divine will supporting it. You are doing this service to the other person not out of any consideration but as a duty that you have to discharge to your brother. Since you are doing it, God is so happy with it, he actually supports this particular idea and then you are rid of it subject to the conditions of your karma that is there, that aspect of it is always there. In case the karma is so strong that it still persists even then the effect of it is not had to that extent, it is reduced considerably.
So Pranahuti is an act of will, it is no jaadu, it is no miracle. It is an attainment, yogic attainment of a particular order, a brahma manaska can do this with the support of the Divine grace. If any other claims are made to Pranahuti by any person, he has not understood it at all. It is a thought force, a thought force of your brother for the betterment of your condition which is not motivated by any of his selfish desires but is strengthened by the support of the Divine will. If this is understood then you understood Pranahuti then you can go to a person and then say ‘please give me a transmission I will get rid of this problem’. you can see for yourself.
Now, incase of transmission also, when we talk also there is a transmission which is going on but it is the grossest type. When the voice is very very high and all that, it is the grossest type. So much of force, materiality is behind it. Sound is materialism it is matter only, it is energy, it is matter, you hear it, behind it is just very whispering type of thing is also there. Sometimes we touch and give transmission. Sometimes it is absolutely without any movement of his limbs, any movement of his body he will simply transmit, a transmission from almost nothingness level, it is a very superior level. Why I am trying to say so much in detail about Pranahuti is, Pranahuti can still happen without your being aware of it. You might have gone to a saint, as a matter of fact they say about Lalaji Maharaj i.e. the Guru of my Guru - people go to him with some problem they say this is what I have, this problem I have, he will simply say “achcha” and the man is relieved of it. What has happened? He is no jadu, he has exercised his will within that particular one second for giving you the relief that you are seeking and there the matter ended and the other man got the relief. This can happen to you now also, there may be some people to whom you go

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