Page 70 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 70

toadoctorsoIgotoadoctor. Whydoyoudothis? Mywifewantsmetodothis. Why do you do this? My husband would like that. Most of our actions are governed by these. If you see these, our feelings are directed towards the lower portion. Lower portion means actually physiological drives of food, water, shelter. Our thoughts, our feelings are invariably connected with all these things, either one of these things. If you just can check up your present state of mind, your thoughts will be connected only with this. For getting food you do a job, you have to do. Everything is connected with these four.
As on date majority of us are governed by these and perhaps will ever be governed by it. There is no way out of these things because so long as life is there, principle of life is that of urges, there is no chance of getting out of these things. Animals are condemned once and all for that position. There is no way by which they can change their cycles. When it becomes hungry, it just finds its prey. It has to go and finds its food there is no alternative for it. When it is thirsty, it will go to the nearest possible source of water. When it is on season, it is on heat, it will definitely find its mate. There is no way out of these things. There is no chance for an animal to come out of it. Human beings are the only persons, only animals where we are given an option to control them. We know how to control hunger. You feel hungry but then you wait for the dinner, you wait for the lunch. Your mother says it takes some more time for your food please wait. We wait, we don’t grab it. If you then note whether that is so in your case and if you are very honest about it, I am sure there must have been occasions when you must have pinched at something out of the kitchen - may be a fruit, may be something else, something edible stuff, if nothing else the pulses going straight into your mouth - the animal has not left us, please note this. It is that state of mind which you are trying to control, it is that impulsive state, impulsive nature. Animals are propelled, impelled, compelled - there is no alternative they have to behave like that. We need not behave like that, God has given us that much of liberty, that much of freedom, but we do not exercise that. Culture, education, social development, all these things you can see are the parameters by which we judge whether a person is advanced or not advanced. We apply these meters, what is his behavior? A tribal fellow how he behaves? A cannibal, how he behaves? A socially developed person, how he behaves? i.e. man has been persistently making efforts to control these urges and then arrived at

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