Page 81 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 81

maintain that. The swa-swaroopa gnana which means the interdependence with the Divine becomes established in your heart and you become more and more responsible to the manifestation than what you were earlier, because of detachment, because of the principle of knowing what is self and what is not self was there involved in the first knot, you were not all that careful about many minor details. You used to neglect certain things. You used to say that these things are bound to happen like this, now you will not allow such things, purity will not allow such things, it will tell you everything is to be perfect. That is why people who are established, even like Ramana Maharshi and others were able to say that everything is good. First he left the house, took the renunciation very early in life and then finally said when somebody asked is it necessary to renounce he said not necessary. He had to come to this conclusion because he knows that his condition compelled him to say something against what he himself practiced. What I am trying to tell you is the nature is such, the nature of the knot is such.
Secondly the self comes to know that though the eternal or the energy in itself is dependent upon it for expression, still it is secondary in nature and that is primary in nature. Energy is primary in nature than the places where it is expressed. The fan where the electricity is getting expressed is inferior in status to the very nature of electricity itself, it is very obvious. Similarly, we as individuals are fans, we are giving the breeze to others, we are capable of giving this because of that electricity. Electricity by itself cannot give breeze to anybody in this world, it cannot. Energy by itself cannot give anything, only when it is expressed it can give and it is expressed like this and this has no business to say that I will give breeze only selectively and that is what we do when we say when we are expressing the Divine and when we say ‘we, our people and other things’ we want to give breeze only to those people and nobody else and that is the extraordinary selfishness of this fan. It somehow develops an identity, somehow, maya, it is ignorance. Once you know that you are dependent upon That, interdependency develops into a feeling of dependency, from our point of view. God naturally feels dependent about us, otherwise He will not ask us to assemble here and talk. It is He who is talking amongst ourselves, He is asking us to know what he is trying to do because He cannot do anything, but dependency from our part is learnt only when we come to the second knot and this leads us to the straight path or rather a steep path towards devotion. Without

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