Page 97 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 97

Had each one attended to his job properly this position would not have come but then they were told that they were poor, as against people, ancient saints who said that poverty is by choice. Why do you want to be poor? Because, only under those circumstances I can think about God, why do you want miseries? That is the circumstance under which I can think about God, that is the famous story of the kunti herself. As against that value which was there early, we have compromised enormously, we means our ancestors, we are part of them and they were part of us so this is how we have deteriorated. Whatever it is, it has happened, you cannot reverse, you cannot get back, so what is the best way out? If you put that question, best way out, this is the answer that my Master gives you, namely you adjust, you adjust your timings in such a way that you meditate in the morning. You go to your work but then when you go to work, think whatever work it is, think that it is the Master himself is doing and there he is bringing a very big concept of Bhagavad-Gita into practice. In Bhagavad-Gita you find it in second chapter you will find that Lord Krishna clarifies the point, think that I am the doer, not you, you are nobody to do, I am the person to do. If he is the person to do, our efficiency levels will be at the highest because God cannot be inefficient. God by definition cannot be inefficient so whatever is our best potential will definitely come to the forefront if you think he is doing it, so during the day you follow this. Afternoon, you are not going to meditate, it is out of question because your office is there but since you are going to do the entire day all your activities thinking it is the Divine that is performing you will not have the necessity of doing it at that time, it is an alternative that has been given. The third one is, in the evening He modifies the sandhya. Of course the sandya if you have studied well has got a mantra to this effect but least understood. I would not like to go beyond a limit but then if any one of you is interested I will tell you what exactly is the thing that was given. They said that, you have to think that all my activities have somehow caused impressions in me, somehow good, bad, indifferent, some impressions have formed. So it is my activity, my thinking, my attachment, that formed these impressions and therefore it is my duty to get rid of it, so we clean our hands, we clean our face, clean our feet, similarly clean our heart also this is what is asked to be done in the evening cleaning process. Again, before you go to rest think about God and go to rest. Why? Who takes care of you when you are asleep, it is God who takes care of you, the oldest truth of the Vedas is this. In the night we are in the company of God when we are deep asleep and that is why most

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