Page 166 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 166

to develop. Only when we know the enormity of the subject we will be in a position to develop the humility, otherwise we will think we are very confident to do anything. The prayer also as far as I know, majority of the abhyasis do it ritually repeating it once or twice. We should get into that thought and get lost. Once or twice is remembered very well because one and two we know buckle my shoe. These two we remember and then go to bed. No question of getting into that attitude of humility, no question of feeling the presence of the divinity, no question of feeling the necessity to grow beyond ourselves, no necessity to pray for others or you have some problem. That problem overtakes you during the prayer and then that problem alone is remembered. Neither the God is remembered nor the solution is remembered, only the problem is remembered. This is very unfortunate way of prayer.
Prayer should be one where one should feel the lapses of every other person as his own lapses. If the Nation has failed it is we who have failed. If the world has failed it is we who have failed. Such is the notion of Brahman. A person who lives at the higher consciousness

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