Page 180 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 180

This is the torture of the soul of modern man. If we are prepared to quit our jobs and live in seclusion, these problems will not trouble us. But Natural Path says that we should live in this world because we are here to bring in a regeneration of man, to try to take life one step above man, to pray to make man live a fuller, more integrated and meaningful life, where his selfish interests are subdued and where he could see more of what is right in others, than what is right in himself. It is very difficult and for this you require the help of Nature itself. You call it God, Babuji, Master, it makes little difference.
According to sastras, the prayer starts with that particular goal which solves all our problems. "Thou art the real goal of human life" - which is Nature itself. In our Samstha we call this goal Babuji: and I have no hesitation when I share with you my conviction that he is God. This may sound exaggeration to a rational mind. But still that is my feeling and I have as much a right to keep it.
Having settled the goal which solves our problems, now we are also aware of how hopelessly bad we are to achieve that state. It
has become a fashion for the modern scientists 180

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