Page 188 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 188

– Sri. K.C.Narayana
Meditation has been defined as an act of an individual aimed at emptying of the content of his consciousness. This is the meaning and the depth of meditation is, the emptying of all the content- thought, coming to an end. Easily said. What are the thoughts we get during meditation. The nature of thoughts encountered by us are all intentional. It is intentional consciousness that we always encounter. The thoughts can be personal- intentional transpersonal- intenational or universal-intentional.
But what we first encounter are the noises or sounds etc., of the surroundings in which we meditate. For totally annihilating all the thoughts that we encounter during meditation we must understand these thoughts as different from the thoughts that have already become our memory which is a bundle of experiences. Also the valuational judgements we have made on such past experiences and the attitudes and goals that we have formed based on such experiences have to be made as not disturbing. In the system of Sri

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