Page 21 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 21

connection. They have lost sight of the true Reality which is beyond both light and darkness. This is what has been shown in the emblem of the Mission and which is in a true sense the real state of man's perfection, from which no decline or fall is possible. This is a very delicate point of philosophy. The saints have generally called this state of neither light nor darkness as Satpad which is not correct, for this state is much beyond that. That is in fact the reflection of the Reality which in itself is still beyond. This may be astonishing to most of the readers but I have written this only for those who are well advanced in spirituality and who have thorough knowledge of this science. It can only be experienced in a practical way and is not to be found within the bounds of religion. It is an entirely different path. It is itself a science for which one may not be well fitted unless he develops the capacity to perceive Nature with his inner eyes. Till then he can have no approach upto its fringe even, not to speak of knowing or understanding it. Religion helps one only to understand that there is something more in Nature for him to perceive. But for picking up the pearls one must oneself dive deep into the ocean. In fact, the very

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