Page 25 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 25

him to bring the activity which had sprung up in him into a latent state as far as it was possible. He began to seek out means for it. At last it came to his understanding that just as the latent motion was grosser in comparison to the Absolute with which it was connected, in the same way he must also take up something grosser for the purpose, to enable him to attain the destined ideal of Reality. This led him to the conclusion that he must create in himself a form of contraction or withdrawal similar to that at the time of Pralaya. Now, Zaat (Holy Entity) is all pervading in man just as it is in the whole universe, taking the universe in a collective sense. The state of Pralaya comes in when contraction begins to take place. Similar contraction in man leads to his individual Pralaya. This means that he begins to proceed from his state of grossness to the real state. The contraction always starts from below and proceeds gradually upwards because of its upward tendency. Therefore in order to go upwards he must start contracting from below. The form would only be to bring his legs and the allied parts to one pose and to keep them steady. In whatever way it might be done, the form would finally be that of Asan. It is

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