Page 256 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 256

picturisation. The heart is the place where samskaras remain for fruition. Historically, immediately after Lord Krishna we have got a person of enormous spiritual greatness, Vardhaman Mahaveera. He came and said this heart is tainted with different types of colours, and he called that matter Pudgala - the matter that gets formed over our heart, our soul and according to the colour of this we can definitely say the type of man with whom we are moving or conversing etc. We have detailed description of this subject in original works of Jainism. Modern interpretation about this is unclear. I have had the privilege of having a look into the original scripts of Jainism thanks to a person from Varanasi who studied about Jainism, who showed me the original works. Jainism uses two words to explain how the matter gets collected over our souls. The process is explained with the help of two concepts: 'samvara' and 'nirjara'. Samvara is accumulation, Nirjara is getting rid of and this is the same matter. (Rev.Babuji says that we form samskaras by the force of our thoughts and it casts a shade or colour over our mind. Sri Krishna uses the word Atma, for both, for the lower as well as the upper states of mind.)

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