Page 306 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 306

The topic for this seminar is a very thought provoking statement by Rev. Babuji Maharaj in the article ―EFFICACY OF RAJA YOGA‖ where he states ―But the difficulty arises when we remain held up by our own resourcefulness applied for our advancement.‖ What is this advancement that Master is talking about and why, are the points we need to consider carefully. It is clear that we reached the feet of the Master to realise our true nature and seek to work towards a goal that is good to us as human beings and the entire universe. This means we are enquiring about the goal of life towards which we are advancing now while we are alive and hopefully thereafter. These obviously bring into attention the important issue of the purpose of being liberated from all the shackles that curtail our freedom, while alive or in other words reach the state of jivanmukti. Traditionally it is held that there are five purposes that will be served in this endeavour 1.jnana raksha or preservation of knowledge, 2.Tapas or penance or austerity performed in order to do Rajayoga sadhana

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