Page 334 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 334

Unknown. I may say reality is so very intimate that we cannot perceive it and add  ̳Do not try to know the Unknown; be the Unknown‘.
We have in the previous-para observed the importance of following the method of meditation prescribed without any change. For this we have to determine ourselves to know the Unknown the only thing worth knowing. Master blesses us when he said ―I do want that all of you may emerge as the Suns in the field of Spirituality but it is possible only if the reflection of the earth is not allowed to be cast on the sun and this is feasible only if you work out your orbit accordingly. When can be the orbit made? Only when you straighten out the movement. And when will the movement be straight? When the destination is always in full sight. And when can the goal remain in sight? When you become entirely His. When can you be His? When you lose yourself completely. When can you lose yourself? When there is no thought in the heart other than that of His. And when is this possible? Through practice. How does practice become? By love and interest. How are love and interest born? By thinking repeatedly. How repeated thinking becomes possible? Through determination. And when is

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