Page 398 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 398

while we discussed problems of sadhana in Vijnanamaya Kosa.
Master while giving his method indirectly helped our mind, find its futility. Our Master has asked us to meditate on Divine Light without luminosity. This is an impossible concept for the mind and it is forced to stare at this idea. In doing so he has blocked the way of the mind for the seeker and left open the way to freedom. Further by assisting the seeker through Pranahuti which informs the nature of pure and unalloyed consciousness he opened the path to freedom. In real spiritual training the mind has to be made silent and put to rest. Master therefore called himself a  ̳silencer‘. Thus it is divinity that can know the divinity and the mind can never know the source or its origin.
For an individual the way to Divinity is silence and in that silence the window of the mind disappears. This is what happens when we receive Pranahuti and imperience the real Silence beyond all comprehension of the mind. We realize it is our true nature to be free and all the bondages are our creation having no reality content. In fact there are no windows or
window panes and they are all creations of our 398

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