Page 425 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 425

negative mental and emotional imprints, we must first be aware of them before we can even do anything about it. That is why self- awareness is fundamental to spiritual progress. The tools of evaluation so kindly given to us by Imperience actually aim to assist us in this process.
The ability to let go of all our clinging and attachments, or as Master puts  ̳ignoring them as uninvited guests‘ is another skill that is equally important in our spiritual transformation. We collect and carry too much garbage with us in our lives. It is only by letting go of this unnecessary burden that cloud our Essence that we can eventually experience the Essence in its natural and pure state. It is important to note that these two skills that a true aspirant develops, namely self-awareness and letting go may appear simple, yet they are the hardest skills to cultivate. That is because in our daily lives, we hardly ever sharpen these skills.
There is an old story of a man who had four wives. The man had become ill and was about to die. At the end of his life, he felt very lonely and so asked the first wife to accompany him
to the other world thinking that she will do so 425

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