Page 438 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 438

tried to explain how the experience during meditation becomes our guiding spirit in the path, in the book Imperience Beckons. True seekers would have noticed that in these Ten Commandments, the steps to enlightenment. They would have also noticed that there are practices that suggest ways and means to enrich ourselves with Wise Livelihood and Sagacious living. These practices are not solitary or/and contemplative in nature but engage us fully in daily life, through constant remembrance that may be considered as mindfulness and loving kindness expressed in all our actions and tasks. We should note that spirituality is never learnt through books. Master while writing about this book said ― In this book I have endeavoured to put up in words those spiritual secrets which have up till now come down from heart to heart...‖ and also added that ― it is not only difficult but almost impossible to express them adequately in words.‖ One needs to live with and understand the masters to understand the WAY. But it is almost impossible without having the proper attitude as simply staying with the masters never help much. Physical

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