Page 449 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 449

are limited, and drugs wear off and have side effects. All this is dubious.
A conversation with a dear friend has brought to light a preconceived notion that many entertain and I am share my knowledge with you here. This notion or belief is that the mind is a gauntlet that is impassable. This idea that governs so many is not true. Master has asserted that mind is the very instrument we have to use to reach our goal and it plays monkey only in undisciplined persons. The veil of thought is so thin that all one has to do is look at it and it disappears. Try to catch a thought and you will be unable to hold on to it. Just try and you will fail. This is what many persons complain when they say they have too many thoughts that are disturbing. They all disappear like dreams in the morning and nothing you can do will stop it. This is what the abhyasis tell when they say they are not able to recall the thoughts and they feel they miss a lot of them. This is due to the habit of identifying oneself with the thoughts, the alleged thinker, or what the thoughts are about (what you call  ̳you‘) and then struggle as that falls apart which it will in any way sooner or later. What can be said here is that doubt is a

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