Page 456 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 456

submitted about ones‘ lapses or short comings or sins of commission and omission. There are certainly a lot of shocking truths in the world, and there is nothing wrong with speaking them, for that is one of the ways people help one another. Funnily it is the lapse or omission that becomes the starting point of the greatness of the speaker or writer and ones‘ individuality thus gets established on firm foundation.
Once an emotional truth is spoken, a truth that most people wouldn‘t have spoken, there is an opening in the body-minds of the listeners. That opening is trust. The expectation that is sought to be set up by the author is simply that the next thing this person says or writes will be true because the last thing he said was obviously true, and in that opening the so- called authority has an opportunity to say anything he wants because the opening is there. The opportunity to inculcate even the most well intentioned idealism rides as the truth into the body-mind of the listener and most of the time goes unnoticed. This I added only to persuade aspirants in the path not to try to impress others with their personal experiences. Two things are achieved there by: we serve our interest in avoiding that particular

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