Page 116 - The Path of Grace
P. 116

devotion get me as well as miracles.” And this is a bare fact. I do not take up the topic how Fire, Air and other elements came into being since it has been sufficiently dealt with in the scriptures.”
“Now, if we try to force our passage through the medium of the current which has brought us down, it would be a very hard job for the abhyasi. We, therefore, take up a different course, proceeding first side ways to point number 2 and then to points 3, 4 and 5 successively. In this way we utilise the sub-powers lying at the points and become stronger for the enterprise. After crossing the Visudhha chakra sphere our path is straightened since we get filled up with power and the process of divinisation commences. By divinisation I mean that all senses and faculties are harmonised, assuming their original state and are merged in the Real. The final state of divinisation comes when every atom of the body becomes one with the Real state – the Ultimate.”
“When we cross the fifth point, our passage towards Ajna chakra (cavernous plexus) becomes

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