Page 129 - The Path of Grace
P. 129

third eye is symbol of an enlightened mind and a pure and unfettered consciousness. The third eye when gets opened the world delusion and duality is destroyed as in the case of Lord Shiva when this got opened Kama, the power of desire, was destroyed.
The sadhaka when he has stroll in this center many a times experiences sensuousness. The great Master mentions in his Autobiography “Thoughts of sensuousness from a little before the evening Satsang. I was in no mood for satsangh but when I thought of missing it, I experienced a desire to sit therein”. This is a common experience for many but in most cases we fall a prey to sensuousness and miss the satsangh. The will to realize should be firm and in no case the satsangh should be missed is an elementary yogic discipline and should be cultivated by all.
It is really interesting that sensuality prevails when an abhyasi has crossed Pind. It is a bit difficult to understand yet is not beyond comprehension. In the path of the Yoga of Sri Ramchandra, the aspirant is not allowed to cut any knot but is only

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