Page 158 - The Path of Grace
P. 158

means but the means and goal seem to be the service itself.
In order to stabilise in the region certain pitfalls are to be avoided. This in fact is the reason certain fundamentalist approaches are adopted and advocated in religions: which of course is not necessary.
The world appears here as neither a reality nor a non-reality and total dependency on the Master develop. This is a logical consequence of incapacity to judge any issue and the reality of the Master is the only certain thing the aspirant is aware of. In this state the aspirant surrenders himself to the care of the Master even as the cows surrender to the will of the shepherd. This is the symbolism that is expressed in the concept of Gopala or Pasupathi. The aspirant has no will of his own and is entirely dependent on the will of the Master and will do His bidding and will be guided by Him in all matters.
While in the sphere of the Brahmand the self or the individual is the focus of attention and it is only its expansion that is experienced in all its

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