Page 163 - The Path of Grace
P. 163

that one has been striving all the while the concern for the oneness with the Lord overtakes and even a slight digression causes much dissatisfaction. Vairagya in this sense is superfine and it has no resemblance even in its remotest sense to the earlier stages of Vairagya experienced in knots 1, 7 and 8. This is real attachment to the Divine for which the seeds were sown when the consciousness was diverted towards the Atman point from the lower region of heart. The beginning of Prapanna condition may be said to start from here and this state remains with the aspirant till the end. Many great saints of the past and the Alwars in particular raved in this sphere and may be said to have got into the intricate webs and could not extricate themselves for long periods of time. The cries of the aspirant to the Lord to take him to his fold and the cries of the aspirant repenting for his sins also find expression here. In the Pind desh the aspirant often repents for not being able to adhere to the rules of conduct or for having violated certain Niyamas. Repentance in that stage leads to prayer seeking help of the Master to improve one’s conduct. At this stage the aspirant feels repentance

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